Dr. James Borrell is a conservation scientist and science communicator with a passion for adventurous expeditions and conservation fieldwork.
Included stories
- Invasive species
- Trophy hunting
- Discovering a new species of amphibian in Madagascar
- Using dogs that think they are goats to save cheetahs
- Why we should be optimistic about conservation in general
Please check out and support James’s work
TED Talk
Sources for topics discussed
Lost and Found Nature: https://bit.ly/2yvnS6C
Joe Rogan Podcast: https://bit.ly/1uyQQHd
Trophy Documentary: http://trophy.film/
Toxoplasma Animation: https://bit.ly/2q3M7nO
Mark Scherz Taxonomist: http://www.markscherz.com/
Chytrid fungus: https://bit.ly/1Hqs2bT
The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert: https://amzn.to/2tIFgTB
Enset Ethiopian crop: https://bit.ly/2dOQPzG
Spris Ethiopian drink: https://bit.ly/2Pgl32Q
Shawn Heinrichs: http://www.shawnheinrichs.com/
Indonesia fishing village success story for manta rays: https://bit.ly/2JGfW6e
Paul Hilton: http://www.paulhiltonphotography.com/
Racing Extinction: https://racingextinction.com/
Coyote Peterson: https://bit.ly/2duLEWI
Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown in Madagascar: https://cnn.it/2OFH4bV
Cheetah Conservation Fund: https://cheetah.org/
Elephant Bee Fences: http://elephantsandbees.com/
Elephant chili dung: https://wwf.to/2ySTjay
Wild Hope by Andrew Balmford: https://bit.ly/2OJ8gXl
End of the Line documentary: https://imdb.to/2R4fzWa
Human Planet BBC: https://bbc.in/2IT57xs
Conservation Optimism: https://conservationoptimism.org/